Word Basic Skills2
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Microsoft Word Description of Basic 25 Skills


Begin a New file

Open the File menu and select New.

Choose the tab containing the desired template.

Select the template you wish to use.

Confirm the selection.

Save  a File

Save a file with the same name.

Open Flie menu and select Save.

Close a File

Open the File menu and select Close.

Open a file

To open an existing file

Click on the open button

Select the desired file

Make sure the correct file type is selected

Confirm the selection by selecting open

Save As

Save a new file.

Open file menu and select Save As.

Enter a name for the document

Click Save  to confirm

May also type Ctrl + S to save a file.

Save a file with a different name.

See Save a New File.

Tool Bar Manipulation

To view, move and hide the toolbars:

From the View menu, select Toolbars.

Click on the toolbar in order to display it.

Position t he toolbar.

Click on the toolbar's Close button to hide it.

Replace Text

Select text to be replaced, and highlight it..

Type in the new text.

Delete Text

Select the text to be deleted by highlighting it.

Press the Delete key.

Insert text

Make sure Word is in Insert Mode.

The overtype OVR indicator status bar should not be on.

Double-Clicking on the indicator turns it on and off.

Place the insertion point where the text will be inserted. Type in the new text.

Move Text

Select the text and click the Cut button or press ctrl + X.

Position the insertion point in the new location for the text, and then cllick the Paste button or press ctrl + v.

Copy Text

Select the text  and click the Copy button or press Ctrl + C.

Position the insertion point in the new location for the text, and then click the Paste button or press ctrl + V.


To undo, click on the Undo button on the Toolbar.

To redo, click on the Red button on the Tolbar.

Enhance Text

To  bold and underline text:  Sekect the text to  be formatted.

Click the   desired format button:  Bold, Italic, or Underline.

Use Format Painter

To copy formatting using the format painter:

Select any text that has the desired format.

Click on the Fomat Painter button.

Select the Text you want to format.

To copy a format to several locations:

Double-click nstead of single-click on format painter button

Then drag the format text in as many places as you want.

When you are done formatting, click on the format painter button again or press escape.

Align Text

Select the paragraph(s) to be aligned.

Click the desired alignment button.

Find and Replace

To replace all instances of a particular text:

From the Edit menu, select Replace.

Enter the find text.

Enter the replacement text.

Choose the desired search options.

Select Replace All.

Click on the Close button when done.

Grammatical Find and Replace

(See Word's Online Help)

Display the Ruler

To show the Ruler, open the View menu and select Ruler.

To hide the Ruler, open the View menu and select Ruler again.

Clear All Tabs

Select the paragraph(s) to be  cleared of all tabs.

Open the Format menu and select Tabs.

Click on the Clear All button and confirm.

Set A Tab

First, select the paragraph(s). Note: To add a tab to more than 1 paragragh, we must select all the desired paragraghs.

Choose the type of tab desired.

Add the tab to the ruler.

You can also set Tabs by selecting Tabs from the Format menu, selecting the desired alignment and entering the exact measurements in the Tabs dialog box.

Modify a Tab

Select the paragraph(s).

Using the mouse, drag the tab to a new place. To delete the tab, drag  it off the ruler.

Page Break

Place the insertion point where the page break should begin.

 Open the Insert menu and  select Break.

Select the desired break and confirm.

Spelling and Grammar

Click the Spelling and Grammar button.

 If the  Spelling and Grammar checker finds a misspelled word, select the correct replacement and choose Change  or Change All.

If the checker finds a correctly spelled word it doesn't know, choose Ignore or Ignore All.

If the checker finds a true gramatical  error, select Change.

If the gramatical error is not correct, sselect Ignore or Ignore All.

Normal View

Open the View Menu and select the desired document view.

Office Assistant

Click on the Office Assistant.

Type the subject you want help with and click on Search.

Click on the topic you want.

Click on the X to close the Help topic box.


Open the Help menu and select Contents and Index.

Click on the Index Tab.

Type the name of the topic.

When the topic is selected in the list, click on Display.

To close the Help window, click on the Cancel button (or press the Esc key).

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