Arrays and Cmd Line Args
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C Programming

For  definitions of some important terms related to arrays, click here:



Simple variables allocate memory for the storage of a single value of a specified data type (int, char, float, etc.)
Arrays allows for the storage of multiple values of a single data type.
Arrays use a single variable name to access those multiple values.

Memory Allocation


                        int  Num;       One memory location          


Nums[5];        Contiguous memory allocation   






Represent a set of values or a list of related objects that is given one name.
Each item in the array is called an ELEMENT and each element has the same data type.
Character Arrays hold non-numeric or string data.
Numeric Arrays hold integer or floating point data.


Numeric/Character Array   

char Letters[5];    int Nums[5];    



Creating Arrays

Numeric Arrays:  Numeric data is stored in Integer or Floating-point arrays.
int  quantity[7];
float mileage[5];
float area[12], AmountDue[36];
int   grades[32],

Character Arrays:  Character or String data is stored in character arrays.
char Letters[26];
char day[7][10];  -- an array of strings; 7 strings of 9 characters
char JobTitle[30][20];  and a Null   ( /0 )
char StudentNames[50][15];


A subscript is an integer value that is used to reference a specific element in an array.
An array is called a subscripted variable.
Each element is referenced by its subscript.
The first element is numbered zero (0).
A subscript may not be negative or exceed the size of the array minus one.

Examples of Subscripted Arrays

char day[7][10];

day[0] = “Sunday”;
day[1] = “Monday”;
  day[2] = “Tuesday”;
      day[3] = “Wednesday”;

   day[6] = “Saturday”;


   printf("%s", day[3]);




Initializing Data

Data may be assigned to an array when it is declared.

      char day[7][10] = {“Sunday”, “Monday”, “Tuesday”,"Wednesday”, “Thursday”, “Friday”, “Saturday”};

      float nums[5] = {1.1, 2.3, 94.5, 781.99, 74.3};


Interactive Input

Data may be assigned to an array by prompting the user to enter it at the keyboard.

                            /* load day array */
                            for (i=1; i < 7 ; i++) {
                                  printf(“\nEnter the day: “);
                                  scanf(“%s”, day[i]);

      File Input

Data may be read from a file and loaded into an array.


while(!feof(fileptr)) {           fscanf(fileptr, "%s", day[ i ]);
i = i + 1;       /* or i ++ */

Printing an Array

We can verify the contents of an array by printing a copy of the elements

/*  Printing Day Array */
       for(i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
       printf(“\n  %s”, day[i]);

Computations using Arrays

Very often the values stored within an array need to be included in calculations.


      total = 0;
      for (i = 0; i < 50; i++) {

      total = total + grade[i];
      average = total / 50;

Parallel Arrays

Often your programs will require that a relationship exist between various types of data.  Parallel arrays provide a means of associating lists of data together. 

      char driver[10][10];
      float miles[5];


(0) Joan
(1) Bill
(2) Mary
(3) Harvey
(4) Dorothy


(0) 78.2
(1) 100.8
(2) 999.0
(3) 1.0
(4) 0.0


Two-Dimensional Arrays


Two-dimension arrays are useful for representing data in a table format.  The array is defined in rows and columns.  
Rows represent a set of values across a table.  
Columns represent a set of values down a table.

Table Example


Creating a 2d Array

Examples of a 2d array declaration are:

   int quantity[7][3];
  float mileage[3][5];





Command Line Arguments

Providing input arguments to the main() function

Executing your program


                C:\>edit  myfile

Providing input to the program when executing.

                        %vi myfile
Environments that support “C” provide a method of passing arguments (parameters) to a program when it begins execution.
When main is called it can be called with 2 arguments.
argc - argument count (or the number of command line arguments the program was invoked with).
argv - argument vector ( a pointer to an array of strings that contains one argument per string).

argc/argv Examples


main(int argc,  char *argv[ ])  Note: the size of the array argv depends on the value of argc
argv is an array of strings. 
You create a “C” program (myprog) that accepts arguments that represent text file names.
When you execute your program you include the names of the files.
                       myprog text1.dat text2.dat

                  The value of argc would be 3:  arg[0] is myprog
                                                arg[1] is text1.dat
                                                arg[2] is text2.dat

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